Useful advice from your Spanish Tutor

Posted by Sofia Quintana on November 12, 2015 · 2 mins read

Learning Spanish on your own, with different resources such as CDs and grammar books, can give you a good introduction to the language, even though it could be quite frustrating searching through the books for particular sections or trying to make sense of obscure grammatical concepts. In general, a handy acronym to describe this kind of experience is DDIY (don’t do it yourself).

However, all the wasted time could be transformed into a highly rewarding Spanish learning experience. There are many things one can add to a chosen Spanish learning method. Every week you can work with a Spanish Private Tutor that will simplify and resolve all the points that you might have difficulties understanding. You should self study new vocabulary and grammar (this must be an ongoing routine that, with no doubt, will further your Spanish language learning).

Diary writing is highly recommended by Private Spanish Tutors. At the end of the day or first thing in the morning, the Spanish student should jot down all the activities that are going to take place or have already happened, adding personal experiences and thoughts. It might sound like a tough assignment but you shouldn’t take it as an uphill battle, it should be no more than a technique to achieve spontaneity in Spanish.

Watch the news and TV shows in Spanish. There are a number of ways to improve Spanish language learning while watching Spanish TV. Subtitles will supplement and facilitate the understanding of what is being watched. You can start with English subtitles and then as you get better use Spanish subtitles. This should help you notice new vocabulary and expressions, and may also help you to figure out what’s going on. Maybe if you choose online TV you will have more control as you will be able to play sections again and again until you understand them.

Like most parts of learning Spanish, whether it’s getting to grips with the subjunctive or trying to learn how to ask for directions, repetition is quite important. Repeat aloud new words and sentences. Imagine conversations with bus drivers or cashiers and learn them by heart. But don’t stress yourself out trying to remember every single thing. Take in phrases you think might be useful and write them down.

Don’t forget that your Spanish tutor will guide you through your Spanish Language Learning and he/she will guarantee you an exciting and profitable learning experience.